Internet Resources: Genealogy Portals
All things genealogical. Simply the biggest and best.
USGenWeb Project
We are a group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free genealogy access for everyone.
(hosted by RootsWeb and supported by - Genealogy Gateway to the Web
A rather grand Round-House-Rodney for Genealogists.
Native American Genealogy
The premier resource online for Native American Records: tribal histories, final rolls, census, and an extensive collection of online books.
Genealogy Today
Genealogy Today has been publishing unique information and offering innovative services since 1999. The regular columns and articles provide free guidance for those just getting started, and the newsletter and databases offer value to more experienced visitors. is a joint project of Stephen Wood (The Genealogy Home Page) and Matthew Helm (Helm's Genealogy Toolbox), authors of two of the oldest comprehensive genealogical web sites. It is designed to assist genealogists in finding information that is not readily accessible through traditional genealogical link sites. All search engines contained in are free to all users.
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox (
The Genealogy Home Page ( (
No Frills, No Hype - Everything you need for genealogical research online
Linkpendium - the Definitive Directory (